Sunday, 28 September 2014


Ok, so a secret I thought would besafe with the world wide internet, has already ben read by none other then my best friend Martha. Ok, so it turns out she actually reads my blogs and I kind of didn't think she did unless I like forced her too, but she does. And when she comes over Tuesday I am going to probably spend a lot of time explaining who this guy at Judo I like is, and what he looks like, and his name (which Martha if you are reading this, I don't even know). I know it is kind of bad I don't know his name, but we are too busy fighting each other in Judo to actually talk and he shook my hand like once when we met and said his name but I didn't really hear...

Anyway today was ok I guess. I took some photos because I was home and it was raining and my laptop had died, and I was bored. Then Mum and Dad got home and I played some guitar and then we had tea.

After tea I realised not only do I have to baby sit my cousins tomorrow morning, but I also have to work in the afternoon. And all my clothes were wet so Dad took me to this store which is open to like midnight, to have a look. It was such a blow. We discovered not only is my style completely tomboy ish, it is also all blacks and greys and Dad kept telling me to wear colour, but everything he picked out was horrible. And we have a social next term, and I bet I'll be that one girl who wears jeans and converses. I didn't go last year because of an injury, but Martha and co will probably drag me along, and I think maybe I should go. After all it is about experience I guess.

Then I got home and was going to watch Noah with Dad but it didn't work on our TV for some annoying reason.

Photo Montage:




I feel like this is so relevant. There is always another side to what is obviously there. That is what I get out of this drawing anyway. You guys might see it differently.

This is called Keeganing. It is working out at the benefit of another human. These two are the masters. And they are both my two favourite people from PLL <3

Fear of not being good enough is something I struggle with daily.

Much Love.

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