Wednesday, 20 August 2014


I'm kind of annoyed because I wanted to do a blog post everyday and yesterday I was so swamped with study I kind of forgot...

So today at school I had a Science and Maths test which was what I was studying for last night. Ok so we get four science test to study and one of them is the actual one. I understood all of the questions and new the answer to all except number four.. And so just my luck we get number four. Haha, before we went in I told Martha I would scream if we got four, but I only screamed silently because there was a reliever teacher there. Then at lunch I sat with Sky and these two other girls who I will call Ella and M on here. They sat with us yesterday and today because they are in an argument with their friends. It is kinda intense.

Then I went to the first pe lesson in ages and it was really weird because everyone had made up there own games and we had to show the class. It was interesting and most of them were very complicated...

I am also really excited for tomorrow guys! Cause me and Martha re going for a visit to our old school, which is like a tiny 90 kids country school, and we call the teachers by there first names and everything.

Then on Saturday I am going to my friend Hope's place and on Sunday I have work :)

Photo Montage:

Much Love.

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