Sunday, 31 August 2014


Hey Guys,

Sorry I haven't done a post in awhile but to tell the truth I haven't felt like writing that much which is fine I guess.

Ok so I'm not sure about anyone else, but on Facebook when you send someone a message and it shows as 'seen' but they haven't/don't reply it makes me really anxious. Because I like immediately go to think they're angry at me. It has happened to me in the past and now again. Hopefully it won't last.

Tomorrow is school. I spent most of my day today, (after a rather bad argumentative morning) doing Science homework. We have this like 10 page booklet with all these chemistry equations and it is so hard. I got all of it done except the last page though, and while it was going I had pretty little liars on and that was good. I am now up to Season 3 Episode 18, and it is getting intense.

The other thing I wanted to write about today was my expectations of myself. Like I have always wanted/needed to get good grades, no motivation from my teachers or parents needed. And I have always wanted to do well, and I don't really know why because it isn't like I would fail school if I chilled out with studying a little. The thing is that I just can't. It is like I feel I am letting myself down if I get a lower-then-the-best grade. It is like Spencer Hastings say 'B is for Bad.' And I know that if it were my teachers or my parents or any adult really, they would say that my high expectations were a god thing. But to be honest sometimes I kind of wish I could be like the other girls that can just shrug if they get achieved, and not study at all for a huge exams and not care about the outcome. But that's just not me. It will probably never be.

Ok, now that rant is over, enjoy todays-

Photo Montage:

Okay guys, on Friday I was at Martha's and she was reading all my posts, and I realised that I put the same photos in the montage more then once sometimes. Sorry about that. I save them all to the same folder, and just kind of randomly select the ones I like that night. So yeah sorry!!

Much Love XxX

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