Wednesday 22 October 2014


I am back because I need to be. And it might not be for long, I am not sure. I am also aware that my amount of viewers will have, and has dropped, because of my inactiveness, but that's my fault, haha.

So today my school has a dance, and I am not going because well, I'm not really up to it. And I didn't think I wanted too. My best friend is going with Mackenzie. Which is ok, good actually, I told her that she should go, and not to let the fact that I am not going, stop her. And I am glad I did, because I hate people close to me making sacrifices, I really do. But I am also kind of sad. Because I won't be able to see her on the rare occasion she wears makeup, and dresses up, and talks to guys. And isn't that what a best friend is meant to be there for? I don't know. I feel kind of like a failure.

Photo Montage:


Friday 17 October 2014



Just a quick update. I have decided to keep my posts up and simply start blogging again when I get better.

Much Love.

Monday 13 October 2014

11:35- Good afternoon Good evening and Goodnight

Hey everyone.

I have made a decision, which I know not everyone will be happy about. But I think it is a good one, and I hope you guys can understand.

I am going to delete all my blog posts soon. Not the actual blog, because I want to recycle it, but the posts. For a few reasons. The 1st is that my anxiety is taking its toll lately, perhaps the reason for the-lack-of-posts. The 2nd is, when I made this blog I didn't really have any idea what I wanted to do with it, and so I just blogged about my everyday life, which although easy for me to blog about, is probably not the most interesting of topics.

I will be posting again soon, although most likely after Nanowrimo. The posts won't be the same as they are now, and will probably be much more thought provoking, is that's what I enjoy most about writing. I might even take on one of those blog challenges.

If you come here often, it is really your choice whether you want to read my new posts or not. I would love it if you'd stay,

But in case I don't see you:

Love you guys.

Friday 10 October 2014


200 page views! Whoop, whoop!

Hey guys, sorry that it has been so long. I have been busy enjoying my holidays really, and now as they come to an end reality of school is starting to kick in (and the neglected homework I my bag)...

The last few days have been pretty good. Martha came to stay, the night and it was so much fun. We walked in to town and bought heaps of books, then went to get lunch. I will post a pic in the montage.

Then for the last to days I had my cousin Lucia over and she and I went into town which was fun. We took so many photos! I also bought a t shirt and a book. She just went home a couple of minutes ago.

And this afternoon my childhood best friend is coming over, Sam. We might go and see a movie maybe? I am not sure, I don't know what we would see because I have seen most of the movies that are on and the one I haven't seen I want to read the book first (the Maze Runner).

I have to be honest, I am nervous about going back to school. The last pat of the years I always the most stressful, and adds to my anxiety because of exams and things. (I put a lot of pressure on myself to do well, maybe to much). Anyway, I also have to get my uniform out of my cupboard. Ugh.

I'm patiently awaiting the next PLL episode, which is a fan appreciation and I am so excited for that. Also I just finished the last instalment of the Heroes of Olympus series by Rick Riorden, and it was amazing. I won't post spoiler though, as I suspect some of you guys may want to/ be reading it. And if you are/have let me know in the comments! I'd love to discuss it with someone as none of my friends have read it yet. (Get your act together Sam and Martha!!!)

Some of the pictures in this Photo Montage will be my own. I don't mind you sharing them, because this is the world wide web, and posting a picture and expecting it not to be shared is ridiculous. But please credit me/my blog. :)

Photo Montage:

Ok two things. 1. Rick Riorden didn't let them do that. He had nothing to do with the making of the movie. 2. Percy hitting on Annabeth wasn't that bad was it?
Yeah, Rick Riorden, J.K.Rowling, VERONICA ROTH, Suzanne Collins, Micheal Grant and more..
I'm like 80% sure that I have post this before, but hopefully you non Nerdfighters out there forgive me because I love this so much. Btw is there any Nerdfighters that read my blog?


(My own photo)

(My own photo)

(My own photo) Mine and Martha's loot. We only spent $80 dollars (ish) between the two of us so I reckon this is pretty good. :)

Monday 6 October 2014


Ello, ello, ello! Martha is here to stay, because her brother has a friend over. And well, if you have a brother, enough said. If you don't your like me, and just nod and go along with it...

Anyway, I had work this afternoon and it was pretty quiet actually. Then once I got home from work Martha got dropped off at mine, and we started PLL. YES PEOPLE MARTHA WATCHED PLL, YUSSSSS. As soon as Mum came home I had to turn it off though, she isn't a fan. We had tea.

We just read, Martha started the 'Fault in our stars' by John Green, which if you haven't read, I am disappointed in you. Seriously. I started 'Shiver' because 'Enders Game' was in my bag and I didn't want to get up and get it. And then decided I should probably do a blog, because it has been a while (oops)...

I also showed Martha NaNoWriMo, which if any of you like to write you should check out. (Just google it). I also showed her 'Bookutopia' and 'Epic Reads' on youtube, to channels which I loveeee. And once I have finished this we are going to watch 'City of Bones' which I have already seen but Martha hasn't..

And tomorrow? We are going book shopping!! That's right. Be jealous. We are going to have way more books then you when we're finished. (Unless of course you own more then 2-4 books. In that case we will probably buy less. But that is beside the point...) I shall post a pic of all the books we buy/borrow (from the library) in the next post.

I have to go look for some photos for the montage because at the moment I don't have any recent ones. Then we are going to watch 'City of Bones'!!

Photo Montage:

One of Martha's favourites!


Amazing tumblr art.

Sasha from 'Abookutopia' this channel is awesome (if you like books of course, if you don't um, why are you reading my blog?)

Much Love.
PS: Martha is getting me to look at fandom photos now. Yayayayayay.

Thursday 2 October 2014


I feel like this post isn't going to be very interesting to read as my day hasn't been very interesting either. But I shall try my best.

My Nana came over to look after my little sister again until lunchtime, and I was just reading and talking to her about this story she has been writing for everrr and wants to get published. And she might be because an editor is looking at it atm. I also finished Harry Potter 1, and I can still quote the first page of by heart which scares Martha a little bit, and also annoys her.

At lunch Dad got home, and he bought food from the bakery which was good. Then we watched Noah, which had Emma Watson in it! She was amazing, and it proves she can act in any kind of film, brilliantly, not just Harry Potter. After Noah we went to drop my Dad's old car to its new owner, and tbh I think Dad was a little cut up about it. Haha.

I also have to new books from work to read which I am excited about, the first one is called 'Shiver' and I think it is about wolves... Anyway we talked about it at work and it is supposed to be really good. Then I also have 'Enders Game' which my friend says is amazing. I have seen the movie, which I really liked so hopefully the books are as good too. Then after those two books I will re read Harry Potter. Just in case you were wondering...

Oh and one more thing, I am going to get a postcard from (*Forgets name of country, but it is this little island by Fiji that speak French*) because one of my friends went there on an exchange.

Photo Montage:



Ender. This is from the movie for the book I am going to read called 'Enders Game'

Miranda and Caleb. Ravenswood is killing me tbh, like it is great and everything but why do they make bad things happen to good characters :O




Much Love.