Monday 6 October 2014


Ello, ello, ello! Martha is here to stay, because her brother has a friend over. And well, if you have a brother, enough said. If you don't your like me, and just nod and go along with it...

Anyway, I had work this afternoon and it was pretty quiet actually. Then once I got home from work Martha got dropped off at mine, and we started PLL. YES PEOPLE MARTHA WATCHED PLL, YUSSSSS. As soon as Mum came home I had to turn it off though, she isn't a fan. We had tea.

We just read, Martha started the 'Fault in our stars' by John Green, which if you haven't read, I am disappointed in you. Seriously. I started 'Shiver' because 'Enders Game' was in my bag and I didn't want to get up and get it. And then decided I should probably do a blog, because it has been a while (oops)...

I also showed Martha NaNoWriMo, which if any of you like to write you should check out. (Just google it). I also showed her 'Bookutopia' and 'Epic Reads' on youtube, to channels which I loveeee. And once I have finished this we are going to watch 'City of Bones' which I have already seen but Martha hasn't..

And tomorrow? We are going book shopping!! That's right. Be jealous. We are going to have way more books then you when we're finished. (Unless of course you own more then 2-4 books. In that case we will probably buy less. But that is beside the point...) I shall post a pic of all the books we buy/borrow (from the library) in the next post.

I have to go look for some photos for the montage because at the moment I don't have any recent ones. Then we are going to watch 'City of Bones'!!

Photo Montage:

One of Martha's favourites!


Amazing tumblr art.

Sasha from 'Abookutopia' this channel is awesome (if you like books of course, if you don't um, why are you reading my blog?)

Much Love.
PS: Martha is getting me to look at fandom photos now. Yayayayayay.

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