Monday 13 October 2014

11:35- Good afternoon Good evening and Goodnight

Hey everyone.

I have made a decision, which I know not everyone will be happy about. But I think it is a good one, and I hope you guys can understand.

I am going to delete all my blog posts soon. Not the actual blog, because I want to recycle it, but the posts. For a few reasons. The 1st is that my anxiety is taking its toll lately, perhaps the reason for the-lack-of-posts. The 2nd is, when I made this blog I didn't really have any idea what I wanted to do with it, and so I just blogged about my everyday life, which although easy for me to blog about, is probably not the most interesting of topics.

I will be posting again soon, although most likely after Nanowrimo. The posts won't be the same as they are now, and will probably be much more thought provoking, is that's what I enjoy most about writing. I might even take on one of those blog challenges.

If you come here often, it is really your choice whether you want to read my new posts or not. I would love it if you'd stay,

But in case I don't see you:

Love you guys.

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