Wednesday 22 October 2014


I am back because I need to be. And it might not be for long, I am not sure. I am also aware that my amount of viewers will have, and has dropped, because of my inactiveness, but that's my fault, haha.

So today my school has a dance, and I am not going because well, I'm not really up to it. And I didn't think I wanted too. My best friend is going with Mackenzie. Which is ok, good actually, I told her that she should go, and not to let the fact that I am not going, stop her. And I am glad I did, because I hate people close to me making sacrifices, I really do. But I am also kind of sad. Because I won't be able to see her on the rare occasion she wears makeup, and dresses up, and talks to guys. And isn't that what a best friend is meant to be there for? I don't know. I feel kind of like a failure.

Photo Montage:


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