Sunday 31 August 2014


Hey Guys,

Sorry I haven't done a post in awhile but to tell the truth I haven't felt like writing that much which is fine I guess.

Ok so I'm not sure about anyone else, but on Facebook when you send someone a message and it shows as 'seen' but they haven't/don't reply it makes me really anxious. Because I like immediately go to think they're angry at me. It has happened to me in the past and now again. Hopefully it won't last.

Tomorrow is school. I spent most of my day today, (after a rather bad argumentative morning) doing Science homework. We have this like 10 page booklet with all these chemistry equations and it is so hard. I got all of it done except the last page though, and while it was going I had pretty little liars on and that was good. I am now up to Season 3 Episode 18, and it is getting intense.

The other thing I wanted to write about today was my expectations of myself. Like I have always wanted/needed to get good grades, no motivation from my teachers or parents needed. And I have always wanted to do well, and I don't really know why because it isn't like I would fail school if I chilled out with studying a little. The thing is that I just can't. It is like I feel I am letting myself down if I get a lower-then-the-best grade. It is like Spencer Hastings say 'B is for Bad.' And I know that if it were my teachers or my parents or any adult really, they would say that my high expectations were a god thing. But to be honest sometimes I kind of wish I could be like the other girls that can just shrug if they get achieved, and not study at all for a huge exams and not care about the outcome. But that's just not me. It will probably never be.

Ok, now that rant is over, enjoy todays-

Photo Montage:

Okay guys, on Friday I was at Martha's and she was reading all my posts, and I realised that I put the same photos in the montage more then once sometimes. Sorry about that. I save them all to the same folder, and just kind of randomly select the ones I like that night. So yeah sorry!!

Much Love XxX

Thursday 28 August 2014


Hello guys, so today I stayed home from school because I was limping to much from hurting my foot in PE. I went to the doctor and they didn't really help, so I just went to my Nana's for the day. It felt like school though because I was doing this massive Spanish project on my laptop.

Then when I got home I played guitar for a couple of hours and learnt 'All of me' by John Legend. It is a great song. But I can't wait until my fingers can tolerate playing for so long because they are really hurting now, and they have like dents in them from where they have been pressing against the string.

Then I found this amazing website to edit my photography on and it is called '' it is just really good. And do I spent some time editing photos and then talked to Martha and realised that we have English homework due tomorrow, and Martha is going to be out of class so she was just laughing as I was stressing out haha. It was actually ok, because, because English is my favourite subject I prepare in advance for homework due in a couple of weeks, so I found half of it which I had wrote on my laptop like a while ago and then finished it off.

I better go anyway.

Oh and guys? You might find my photos feature in todays photo montage!!

Photo Montage:

Much Love.
PS: Does anyone know how to get more readers for your blogs? I would love it if anyone has any ideas!

Tuesday 26 August 2014


Hey guys, sorry about the no-blog-post yesterday I finally got my guitar fixed cause it had broken strings and I was playing it from like when I got home to when I had to go to sleep. Now my fingers hurt so bad and they are all puffy and red haha.

S last year I had an operation on my ankle, and it is playing up again after PE. At work I had to sit done the whole time and argh. Anyway now I am going to go watch PLL because sorry guys but I really don't feel like thinking and to write a not boring post I do have to think.

Photo Montage:

Much Love.

Monday 25 August 2014


I read a quote today and it said "To me they were beautiful. Like their own constellations. Maybe one I could belong too" and it is from love letters from the dead, which is a book I am reading at the moment. And it made me think about how people can be described in so many different ways and how they are kind of like constellations of stars, with some dark among them and a lot more light.

So today was ok at school anyway. Martha, Sky and I are having our sleepover next weekend cause Sky can't come and Martha has got to play the piano for a family members birthday.

Our timetables at school are all messy because they seniors have exams and it is so annoying because we have lunch like an hour after having morning tea and no one is hungry. But it is exciting because after lunch I talked to my music teacher about my broken guitar string and how to fix it and he said he could fix it for me! So I bring my guitar tomorrow and he will fix it and then I can play again. I really want to learn the strum for someone like you by Adele because I love singing it and I know the chord changes.

Anyway I am going to go and watch PLL now, and then go to sleep.

Photo Montage:

Yesssss omg!!


I freaking love Spoby so much <3




Hope you guys enjoyed the longer photo montage tonight, I spent like 20 minutes on tumblr/ we heart it.
Much Love.

Saturday 23 August 2014


Sorry about not doing a blog post yesterday, I was watching PLL and I looked at my clock at like 10 o clock and remembered and then decided I was to tired.

So today I had work, in the afternoon and it was so busy. But I got a book which looks really cool called 'Love letters to the dead'. Also Martha texted me at work and we organized for her to come over soon so that will be good.

Sorry guys I will post a more decent post tomorrow, but right now I am just so tired, and I want to get something to eat and curl up and watch PLL.

Photo Montage:
Much Love. X

Thursday 21 August 2014


So today I was supposed to go Martha's place and we were going to see our old school and the teachers. Except I had to leave school at lunch because I had a saw stomach. And then (of course) the painkiller kicked in when I got home, and by then it was to late to go and so I  just stayed at Nanas until Dad picked me up.

Tomorrow I am going to Hope's place and I am going to read her some of my writings and she is going to teach me some guitar and hopefully some music. Then after Hope's I am going to go to my Nana's house for a family barbeque.

Right now I am watching PLL on my computer (at the same time as blogging!!) and it is getting really intense and awesome. My favourite characters atm are Spencer, Aria, Ezra, and Toby. I also like Hanna though. And I really want to catch up to Sky because she is up to episode 1 in season 3 and I'm only up to episode 8 in season 2.

Ok so I wrote a poem in English today, because we had a reliever and our teacher left us work and I had finished it all. Then the teacher came over and asked me how that related to anything we were doing and then I said I had finished everything and she said that was fine. So I got to spend a whole hour free-writing!! And then I showed Sky my short story in a book which I got published a year ago, and she showed two other girls. They said it was good, but I was kind of embarrassed because I wrote it like a year ago and I don't think it is very good. Afterwards though a girl said I was an Author which tbh made me smile a little cause it is like one story and it isn't very good. Haha. Then Sky told me to tell Ms P and I said no, and she just laughed and then Martha came about behind me and scared me :D

Anyway I better go now, Mum is home and I want her to take me to get a puffer jacket because I am getting cold and I don't have one.

Photo Montage:

Much Love.
PS: Someone is regularly liking my blogs now! And people are viewing them to and I have no idea who you are but thank you so much X

Wednesday 20 August 2014


I'm kind of annoyed because I wanted to do a blog post everyday and yesterday I was so swamped with study I kind of forgot...

So today at school I had a Science and Maths test which was what I was studying for last night. Ok so we get four science test to study and one of them is the actual one. I understood all of the questions and new the answer to all except number four.. And so just my luck we get number four. Haha, before we went in I told Martha I would scream if we got four, but I only screamed silently because there was a reliever teacher there. Then at lunch I sat with Sky and these two other girls who I will call Ella and M on here. They sat with us yesterday and today because they are in an argument with their friends. It is kinda intense.

Then I went to the first pe lesson in ages and it was really weird because everyone had made up there own games and we had to show the class. It was interesting and most of them were very complicated...

I am also really excited for tomorrow guys! Cause me and Martha re going for a visit to our old school, which is like a tiny 90 kids country school, and we call the teachers by there first names and everything.

Then on Saturday I am going to my friend Hope's place and on Sunday I have work :)

Photo Montage:

Much Love.

Tuesday 19 August 2014


To be honest I am really tired today. I had bookclub after school, and my parents went to a teacher report evening thing at school. Now I am stressing because I have a Science and a Maths test Thursday and they are both quite hard to study for, because you have to remember a whole lot.

So yesterday I said I had wrote some poems with Martha and I thought I'd share one with you. This one is all my own, and it isn't based on any of my own experiences. It is just about a girl and her boyfriend.

Here goes:

with you passes
in hours
even when it is merely

and seconds with you
like this
because of the way
you make me

and maybe
it isn't reality
to feel this way
but I hope it
like reality does

I love
the hours I spend with

even if they are only

So yeah. Idk if it is very good, but I wrote it in Maths because I had finished.

Photo Montage
Much Love.
PS: I love blogging now, it is just so fun to rant about my day/fandoms to the internet. So if you have like discovered my blog even though it has only been a couple of days, your awesome and thanks for listening to me. :)

Monday 18 August 2014


Martha and I tried to do this thing at school today, which we would write as many poems as we could in our journal in that day. We wrote four together and I am actually pretty happy with them. We were going to show Ms P but then a girl made one of those 'omg why?' comments and we changed our minds. I might just post one on here tomorrow, but right now I am to tired to walk into the lounge and get the journal from my bag.

Anyway school aside, I was writing an essay today for English and it was on this star won't go out, which is a book by a girl called Esther Earl who died of cancer. She was friends with John Green, and I mentioned how I found this interesting because of the age difference. And also because mostly, studies show we make friends because they are like us and I said that if we do this we aren't going to have many friends, because not everyone looks like you. And you won't know if you like someone if you don't start talking to them, you know? Anyway it is just something to think about.

I am going to return to PLL on my computer now, because it is minimised and I really want to watch more before I have to go to sleep.

Photo Montage:



EZRIA <3 <3


My reaction when I hear people talking about Pll, Sherlock, DW or Harry Potter.

Saturday 16 August 2014


It has been a long day. I had work from 12-4 and it's Sunday and I work in a Library so I have no idea why Sunday is our busiest day, but it is. And I really wanted to stay home and watch PLL but it was actually nice once I got there, and I got paid so yayayay!

Today I was thinking about who 'A' could be (in PLL) and I think it is more then one person, maybe Mona? I don't know but she just seems always there... Sky won't tell me and she has forbidden me to search spoilers but the temptation is just ASDFGHJK. I am going to tell Martha about it at school tomorrow and so we can all fangirl about it at lunchtime and stuff.

Also Martha and Sky and also my friend who goes to another school, who on this blog will be Sam, were meant to come see me at work, but they all forgot or were busy :( So I am going to call them and tell them off.

I am really happy because I have been very productive and finished me resubmission essay for English, I got Merit the first time I  handed it in (which, if you don't live in New Zealand is the second to top grade) but I want to try for an Excellence. I emailed it too My teacher Mrs P, (I won't use the full name) and hopefully I get an Excellence. *Fingers crossed*.

One more thing, before I go and get something to eat and turn on PLL, is I was thinking about procrastination today. Which is basically procrastinating as well but anyway... Isn't procrastination just becoming like a form of laziness? Like people say "I was procrastinating so much about that." and what they mean is "I thought about that, and did other things for so long because I really couldn't be bothered actually doing it." You know?

The problem is that now I have established that I will never be able to say I procrastinated about something on this blog again.

Montage of photos:

Me not knowing who 'A' is atm.

I  freaking love them so much asdfghjk!!!!!
Much Love.