Tuesday 19 August 2014


To be honest I am really tired today. I had bookclub after school, and my parents went to a teacher report evening thing at school. Now I am stressing because I have a Science and a Maths test Thursday and they are both quite hard to study for, because you have to remember a whole lot.

So yesterday I said I had wrote some poems with Martha and I thought I'd share one with you. This one is all my own, and it isn't based on any of my own experiences. It is just about a girl and her boyfriend.

Here goes:

with you passes
in hours
even when it is merely

and seconds with you
like this
because of the way
you make me

and maybe
it isn't reality
to feel this way
but I hope it
like reality does

I love
the hours I spend with

even if they are only

So yeah. Idk if it is very good, but I wrote it in Maths because I had finished.

Photo Montage
Much Love.
PS: I love blogging now, it is just so fun to rant about my day/fandoms to the internet. So if you have like discovered my blog even though it has only been a couple of days, your awesome and thanks for listening to me. :)

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