Thursday 21 August 2014


So today I was supposed to go Martha's place and we were going to see our old school and the teachers. Except I had to leave school at lunch because I had a saw stomach. And then (of course) the painkiller kicked in when I got home, and by then it was to late to go and so I  just stayed at Nanas until Dad picked me up.

Tomorrow I am going to Hope's place and I am going to read her some of my writings and she is going to teach me some guitar and hopefully some music. Then after Hope's I am going to go to my Nana's house for a family barbeque.

Right now I am watching PLL on my computer (at the same time as blogging!!) and it is getting really intense and awesome. My favourite characters atm are Spencer, Aria, Ezra, and Toby. I also like Hanna though. And I really want to catch up to Sky because she is up to episode 1 in season 3 and I'm only up to episode 8 in season 2.

Ok so I wrote a poem in English today, because we had a reliever and our teacher left us work and I had finished it all. Then the teacher came over and asked me how that related to anything we were doing and then I said I had finished everything and she said that was fine. So I got to spend a whole hour free-writing!! And then I showed Sky my short story in a book which I got published a year ago, and she showed two other girls. They said it was good, but I was kind of embarrassed because I wrote it like a year ago and I don't think it is very good. Afterwards though a girl said I was an Author which tbh made me smile a little cause it is like one story and it isn't very good. Haha. Then Sky told me to tell Ms P and I said no, and she just laughed and then Martha came about behind me and scared me :D

Anyway I better go now, Mum is home and I want her to take me to get a puffer jacket because I am getting cold and I don't have one.

Photo Montage:

Much Love.
PS: Someone is regularly liking my blogs now! And people are viewing them to and I have no idea who you are but thank you so much X

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