Thursday 28 August 2014


Hello guys, so today I stayed home from school because I was limping to much from hurting my foot in PE. I went to the doctor and they didn't really help, so I just went to my Nana's for the day. It felt like school though because I was doing this massive Spanish project on my laptop.

Then when I got home I played guitar for a couple of hours and learnt 'All of me' by John Legend. It is a great song. But I can't wait until my fingers can tolerate playing for so long because they are really hurting now, and they have like dents in them from where they have been pressing against the string.

Then I found this amazing website to edit my photography on and it is called '' it is just really good. And do I spent some time editing photos and then talked to Martha and realised that we have English homework due tomorrow, and Martha is going to be out of class so she was just laughing as I was stressing out haha. It was actually ok, because, because English is my favourite subject I prepare in advance for homework due in a couple of weeks, so I found half of it which I had wrote on my laptop like a while ago and then finished it off.

I better go anyway.

Oh and guys? You might find my photos feature in todays photo montage!!

Photo Montage:

Much Love.
PS: Does anyone know how to get more readers for your blogs? I would love it if anyone has any ideas!

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