Monday 25 August 2014


I read a quote today and it said "To me they were beautiful. Like their own constellations. Maybe one I could belong too" and it is from love letters from the dead, which is a book I am reading at the moment. And it made me think about how people can be described in so many different ways and how they are kind of like constellations of stars, with some dark among them and a lot more light.

So today was ok at school anyway. Martha, Sky and I are having our sleepover next weekend cause Sky can't come and Martha has got to play the piano for a family members birthday.

Our timetables at school are all messy because they seniors have exams and it is so annoying because we have lunch like an hour after having morning tea and no one is hungry. But it is exciting because after lunch I talked to my music teacher about my broken guitar string and how to fix it and he said he could fix it for me! So I bring my guitar tomorrow and he will fix it and then I can play again. I really want to learn the strum for someone like you by Adele because I love singing it and I know the chord changes.

Anyway I am going to go and watch PLL now, and then go to sleep.

Photo Montage:

Yesssss omg!!


I freaking love Spoby so much <3




Hope you guys enjoyed the longer photo montage tonight, I spent like 20 minutes on tumblr/ we heart it.
Much Love.

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