Tuesday 30 September 2014


Hello lovely people. Sadly I haven't been able to blog lately as I am re-reading Harry Potter and it is consuming a large amount of my time, (I'm not complaining, who's complaining? It's Harry Potter for flip sake). Anyway Martha couldn't come yesterday which was sad, because my sister got a tummy bug and Mum didn't want Martha to catch it. So I biked into town, and bought a top and some new paintbrushes, and did some painting for the afternoon. I always end up with like one good painting and the rest are rubbish, because any little mistakes drives me crazy and I throw it away, (OCD much?)

Anyway today both my parents are working and my Nana came over to look after my sister. I have work at 2, so I am just chilling until then.

Guys I need more books like Harry Potter... It is like every time I read it I want to step into that world. And also I want to write a novel. I am writing my novel 'Dear Finder' at the moment, but I was also writing another one (not online) that I have planned out. That world has been in my mind forever, too. It's just a matter of getting it down on paper.

I think I am going to re-read the whole Harry Potter series, not just the first book because I just love it. Then I will get on to reading some of the books on my goodreads to-read list.

Photo Montage:
Their friendship is truly one of the best literacy friendships ever.
This guy is coming to my country and I can't go :(
My photo from painting yesterday.
And again...
Much Love.

Sunday 28 September 2014


Ok, so a secret I thought would besafe with the world wide internet, has already ben read by none other then my best friend Martha. Ok, so it turns out she actually reads my blogs and I kind of didn't think she did unless I like forced her too, but she does. And when she comes over Tuesday I am going to probably spend a lot of time explaining who this guy at Judo I like is, and what he looks like, and his name (which Martha if you are reading this, I don't even know). I know it is kind of bad I don't know his name, but we are too busy fighting each other in Judo to actually talk and he shook my hand like once when we met and said his name but I didn't really hear...

Anyway today was ok I guess. I took some photos because I was home and it was raining and my laptop had died, and I was bored. Then Mum and Dad got home and I played some guitar and then we had tea.

After tea I realised not only do I have to baby sit my cousins tomorrow morning, but I also have to work in the afternoon. And all my clothes were wet so Dad took me to this store which is open to like midnight, to have a look. It was such a blow. We discovered not only is my style completely tomboy ish, it is also all blacks and greys and Dad kept telling me to wear colour, but everything he picked out was horrible. And we have a social next term, and I bet I'll be that one girl who wears jeans and converses. I didn't go last year because of an injury, but Martha and co will probably drag me along, and I think maybe I should go. After all it is about experience I guess.

Then I got home and was going to watch Noah with Dad but it didn't work on our TV for some annoying reason.

Photo Montage:




I feel like this is so relevant. There is always another side to what is obviously there. That is what I get out of this drawing anyway. You guys might see it differently.

This is called Keeganing. It is working out at the benefit of another human. These two are the masters. And they are both my two favourite people from PLL <3

Fear of not being good enough is something I struggle with daily.

Much Love.

Saturday 27 September 2014


Exciting news! I have made a Tumblr for this blog. Well, it isn't for this blog but it shares the same name and stuff. If you want to check it out it is just my blog name separated by dashes. Won't be anything on there tonight though, I am busy decorating.

Today I went to work, although I was kind of glad when I finished because I have a cold and I kind of just wanted to lie in bed and read all day.

But after work I biked into town and got Mum makeup for her birthday and then went home and Nana and Grandad and a couple of other people were over for Mum's birthday. We had cake, and then went and got pizza.

Then Dad lit a bombfire and we had our pizza in front of the bombfire and Pearl (my little sister) thought the bombfire was hilarious... I took loads of photos too, will put one in the photo montage.

I am so happy I have tomorrow free! And I was thinking of starting another blogged linked to this one, and I don't know what I would call it but still I'd like to have a blog in which I blog about something that will, I don't know,inform people?I was going to say inspire but inspiring is a tricky thing.You either do it right, or fail and mess a lot of things up on your pathway to that failure. Informing is so much easier because it isn't changing, but telling.

What would you guys like to be informed on?

Also I like this guy at Judo. Shhhhhh. No one don't tell. Ok, world?

Photo Montage:

Blurry photo of our bomb fire.

My photo. I live in these shoes. <3

I'm wonderstruck dancing all the way home.

This is so accurate. Silence is as deafening as the loudest sounds sometimes. I promise you.
Much Love.

Monday 22 September 2014


Long time no blogging, huh guys? Well I'm back with more exciting news from my life then ever! No, lol I'm just kidding I am also very tired. Which is why there will be a heap of mistakes in this blog post and weirdo statements like that...

Anyway I had Judo today and I finally got my uniform. I am getting the flu, so I am not feeling good now, but it was fun.

Ok so me and my friend Mackenzie biked to school, and it was fine and then we biked home and the weather was horrible and yuck. And it was raining and hailing and windy and my face was all red. Agh it was horrid.

I am also sort of worried because I forgot to fill in my hours for work as I was up late doing English homework (AND THEN MY TEACHER, MS P, WAS AWAY!) So I stayed up for no reason...

This post is going to be a short one tonight, because I want to watch movies. I did join the world in watching TFIOS yesterday which was awesome, FANGIRLS/BOYS unite. (Haha just so you know how tired I am, I just wrote untie, lol.)

One more thing though. I think Martha and Mackenzie might be coming over on the weekend. Yay!

Photo Montage:



These two <3

1/2 a movie later, she makes out with him...



Much Love x

Monday 15 September 2014


I'm getting kind of slack on my blog posts. (Sorry!)

Anyway I have been at Judo, and I am kind of tired now because it is lots of wrestling and running etc. Then I got home and Dad said I have to make tea or no wifi. So I am making omlets. Actually puffy omlets according to the recipe. Anyway I was just texting Skirk, and she was doing English homework and I am doing Maths. We basically did a switch! Usually it's her doing the maths and me the English.

For an update on my story 'Dear Finder' as a short film, I have done some planning, but there is still the dilemma of having no guy (who is cute) to play camera boy. But it is a work in progress, and hopefully won't be forever.

Ok so I finished all the episodes of PLL that there is our and :( I seriously just wanted to thwack my head against  the keyboard fricken hard because *****SPOILER DONT READ ON IF YOU HAVENT SEEN SEASON 5 EPISODE 12**** Spencer gets arrested and toby is in a car accident so he is in a freaking wheelchair, and can't run after her like he usually would and all the PLL are crying. The next episode doesn't come out till like October or something and I think that is the Halloween episode, which I AM SO EXCITED FOR! Anyway there is a spin off called Ravenswood, but Sky hates it and a girl in my class who on here can be Red, loves it. So I am torn between the two. I think I may as well to eat up time before the next PLL episode, because there are only 10 episodes anyway, and then they pulled the plug on it. And also at work today I got out the second season  DVD to a series that I started ages ago, and they never had season two so I just stopped watching it. It is called 'Chuck' and if you guys haven't watched it check it out because ahhh.

Also watch out for a link to my youtube in tomorrows video, because I made a Spoby tribute video. Hopefully I remember but if I don't and you do remind me in the comments.

I better go now. But first before I do, go and steal twenty minutes of your life to watch 'Troian Bellisario's Commencement Speech' on Youtube. If you guys don't know who she is, she plays Spencer on Pretty Little Liars and is my role model, because I relate to her on so many levels. But that's beside the point because if you know her or not, this speech is beautiful and I promise you that if anyone (like myself) is interested in a performing arts career then it will totally inspire you. Go watch it. Enough said.

Photo Montage:

This is Chuck. Go watch it. NOW.

Naww Spencer <3


Couples I ship (that I can think of right now): Spoby, Ezria, Romione, Harmione and so many more!!!! But I have got to go right now. Sorry!!

Much Love xx

Saturday 13 September 2014


Hello! :)

So today me and Martha went to see 'If I Stay' and it was amazing but really sad. Martha started crying when her little brother died, and I was ok, until when her Gramps talked to her when she was unconscious in the hospital. Then I was gone. But there were these older ladies sobbing behind us a lot louder, and it was so funny, haha. I got popcorn and ice cream and Sam got nothing because she doesn't like movie food because she is crazy like that :P

Then we walked into town and there were so many people, because at the start of spring my town has what is called a blossom parade, which is basically just when everyone comes and watches bands and people decorate floats in flowers and kids give out lollies, and they close the roads and stuff. It is pretty cute. So we went to a bookshop, and I looked for the PLL books. They didn't have them :(. Then Martha and I walked further down to another bookshop and then the clothes shop, but both of us were like meh and so we left. Then we walked (For ages) to this department store. On the way we talked about loads of things like my bed head beneath the beanie I wear all of the time, and Martha kept taking it of my head. Then we had an argument about whether 'Star wars rebels' (the new show coming out in October) is a children's show or not, which I think it is. (We have this argument a lot). Once we got to the store we went to look at books/DVDs and I got the PLL DVD for 25% off. And then I had a fangirl moment because asdfghjk I now have PLL on DVD, so when my parents turn of the internet I can still watch it.

On our way to get lunch I asked Martha what she will do when I get a boyfriend and she goes "Go and knock on his door and tell him that if he hurts my friend I will punch him then drag him by the corner of his ear." and I'm like ok then... Then we got lunch and I got Subway (Yum!) and she got a pie. :)

For the afternoon we went to a singing performance at school which our singing teacher asked us to go to. After that I went home and wrote a song on the guitar, and then put on my PLL DVD and watched the special features. Now I am watching PLL season 5. And it is real sad.

Also one more thing to tell you guys, I think I am going t start writing/ attempting to make shot films. I already have a heck of a lot of stories and turning them into screenplays sounds fun, plus I love editing clips so this might be fun. The only problem is I have like no guy friends atm and I need a guy character. Martha will probably be the girl, although you won't see her face in most of it I'm thinking. Anyway I have to write it first. It is just a idea.

Wow, this was a long post tonight. Sorry the photo montage is probably going to be short though, I'm tired. And since I have been out almost all day I haven't had time to scower tumblr/ we heart it for images.

Photo Montage:





Much Love.
PS: I feel like a bad person because you guys take actual proper time out of you day to read my blog and I have only said thankyou like once.
So Thankyou x 100! You have no idea how much it makes me smile that I can write down stuff and have people want to read it. :D

Thursday 11 September 2014


I am kind of confused. One of my friends (who I shall not name, even by her blog name) isn't sitting with us at the moment. And when she first came into our group she said that heaps of people had been mean to her and now she is sitting with some of those people and I don't know why. And maybe I am over analysing things a bit but idk.
Also I came home from school early because I went into the counsellor's office and fell asleep because I didn't feel well. Then I slept for like 2 hours, and went home because the bell kept waking me up, Dad had to come get me and I felt kinda bad cause it is his birthday.
Me and Martha aren't going to the movies with Trek anymore. We might still go, but I am going to see how I feel in the morning. I really want to go, the movie is 'If I stay.' And at 3 tomorrow I have to go to a singing performance thing.
Photo Montage: 
  Ezra <3 I love this guy so much.
  Spencer!!! <3
    This is the cutest thing ever. Look at Treegan :D
    Much Love X