Wednesday 3 September 2014


Ok guys, I am officially a ninja!! Yesterday I went to a Judo class with my cousin Lucia and it was so fun but the only thing was, all the people/ kids there were like 5-12 and I am 14 almost 15. So I could beat them and it was really awkward. But tonight we are going again to the older class, and I am kind of excited about it. Even though my knees are killing me from crawling around on the mats on them yesterday. So I took some painkiller and hopefully they will feel better.

So today at school Sky was away, and I hope she is ok because she wasn't feeling to well earlier this week. Anyway Martha and I sat with a girl who we have known for ages from our old school, who is a year younger then us, called Lei (pronounced Lay, not her real name, but a nickname). It was pretty funny, because Lei is pretty messy and she had a huge mound of stuff in her pocket that had gone through the wash, and there was like a box of raisins!! And paper etc. And ewwgh, and they were trying to like chuck it at me, and I am kind of OCD about that kind of thing so I was like "YOU SHALL NOT PASS'- Gandalf, for you non bookish people out there. And Lei said, "I think the contents of my pocket has driven Ivy to madness."
And Martha said, "I think she was already there.
And then I said, "Only because I hitchhiked with you..." And then we all just started cracking up. And I wrote the conversation in my diary because I like to remember things like that.

I am kind of worried because I couldn't find my English teacher at lunch and I need help with my debate speech for Tuesday (4 days *GASP*) And we have a meeting tomorrow and I don't want to look like an egg because I have a not-great speech and so I am hopefully going to talk to her in English tomorrow about ways I can improve it, before the meeting at lunch!! Debating is something I think I was quite good at, but I quit for awhile because of stuff that was going on at the time, and now I have just forgot everything. Smartical.

Anyway I should go because my little sister Pearl has come in on her trike with a guitar in her hand....

Photo Montage:


Emma Stone and Adrew Garfield <3 <3!!!!!!!!



Sorry about all the Treegan pictures...  ACTUALLY NO NOT SORRY, THEY ARE AMAZING--TREEGAN IS AMAZING.

Spencer :D

Probably the most important thing in a relationship. I think.

SPARIA <3 My favourite tv friendship atm.

Not probably, are. No pressure Martha. XX
Much Love, and wish me luck at Judo!!!

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