Saturday 27 September 2014


Exciting news! I have made a Tumblr for this blog. Well, it isn't for this blog but it shares the same name and stuff. If you want to check it out it is just my blog name separated by dashes. Won't be anything on there tonight though, I am busy decorating.

Today I went to work, although I was kind of glad when I finished because I have a cold and I kind of just wanted to lie in bed and read all day.

But after work I biked into town and got Mum makeup for her birthday and then went home and Nana and Grandad and a couple of other people were over for Mum's birthday. We had cake, and then went and got pizza.

Then Dad lit a bombfire and we had our pizza in front of the bombfire and Pearl (my little sister) thought the bombfire was hilarious... I took loads of photos too, will put one in the photo montage.

I am so happy I have tomorrow free! And I was thinking of starting another blogged linked to this one, and I don't know what I would call it but still I'd like to have a blog in which I blog about something that will, I don't know,inform people?I was going to say inspire but inspiring is a tricky thing.You either do it right, or fail and mess a lot of things up on your pathway to that failure. Informing is so much easier because it isn't changing, but telling.

What would you guys like to be informed on?

Also I like this guy at Judo. Shhhhhh. No one don't tell. Ok, world?

Photo Montage:

Blurry photo of our bomb fire.

My photo. I live in these shoes. <3

I'm wonderstruck dancing all the way home.

This is so accurate. Silence is as deafening as the loudest sounds sometimes. I promise you.
Much Love.

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