Tuesday 2 September 2014


I know I didn't post yesterday but there was a reason!! I had a 10 page Science booklet to finish. And work. And I had a bad day at school too.

Anyway today was better. I handed in my booklet and Martha was back from her trip away. We both had singing lessons today, I am doing the climb in front of my music class eeeeek, scary!

And lunch was pretty good. Martha was being silly and splashing me from the puddles, and I acted annoyed, but (shhhh don't tell Martha) it was pretty fun, haha we were discussing how when it rains her age drops to like 3. Better then sitting around in the cramped corridors.. Then we ended up sitting with our friend Trek (not her real name) and she let me listen to songs on her tablet, because her class is the class that gets to trial them. She loves MCR, and she sung a song to me. Then I sung something for her and she said I should be a singer. Um, thanks?


I finished PLL season 3! I knew it!!! I knew Ally wouldn't really be dead!!!! And Spoby's back together <3 <3 <3 :)

I better go. There is going to be a long photo montage tonight with mostly GIFS. This is because Martha recently read my blogs, and today at school she said she wanted me to post more 'moving images'

Mostly GIFS/ Moving Images Photo Montage: Requested by Martha

Sorry that they aren't all 'Moving Images' if you're reading this Martha. I like some of the pictures too. xx
Much Love. 

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